Sunday, August 26, 2012

one summer night

i'm back yes i'm still alive. it's been months *whoahh~ i had to help my mum with the culinary family business and just now i can breath!! lol
today i made this sweet reversible tote bag from big scraps i found in my room. i also put my tez label for this tote bag. actually i'm thinking about mass production em :P

here how it looks. pretty simple but i think it looks kewl~

here's inside of the bag. i always love dark flowery pattern ♥

and ta-da! i let my mum being a model for a few minute lol

tomorrow i'm gonna back to work. i have my own home bakery now yay! i sell cookies and a special one is called bagelen. in the next post i'll show you my products :D i really hope tomorrow i dont pass out because of exhausted O_O
now let me get my dinner. Ciao fellas! ♥